having a baby on your own

Baby planning

having a baby on your own

You are not too old

Whether you are terrified of the prospect or just conscious that this may become an issue down the track, I’m speaking to you. You could be in your forties or fast approaching your forties or just interested in what may be in stall for you when you reach your forties.

the right time to have a baby

When is the right time to have babies?

In your teens you are too young. In your 20’s, you think you have plenty of time. In your early 30’s, no one dares comment or harangue you, except maybe your mother, if you are lucky. And in your 40’s, you are overnight, too old. So when exactly are you

having a baby on your own

Going solo

yOU CAN GO IT ALONE! Being a solo mother is a real option. In fact, having a baby on your own is more real than the fantasy of finding a partner who shares your baby dreams at 40. I read two women’s stories which were almost identical except for the

12 ideas to help make your baby dreams a reality

Do you have a vague feeling you may want children in the far distant future? Do you tend not to want to think about it too much because you consider yourself too young, have not met the right person or are just finding your feet? In fact the only thing

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