The Making Babies in your 40s podcast Episode 3 is dedicated to all the older parents struggling to make a baby and wanting to know what their options are.
Step two is to make a fertility plan right from the start. Tailor your plan to your constraints whether they be financial or emotional. By emotional I mean whether you are open to considering potential fallbacks that you never thought possible a decade ago –things like donor conception, surrogacy, and going it alone without a partner.
A plan is a psychological buffer to setbacks. If you plan for the worst, the upside will take care of itself. You may never need a fallback at all. On the flipside, what you previously considered undesirable may in fact become your best move ever – a defining moment in your life. It’s all a matter of perspective and planning will help you adjust your expectations as you go along.
You are responsible for your big picture plan. Your fertility doctor is responsible for the minutiae of your treatment – what to do to better your particular odds given your parameters.
The best clinic will tune in to your life plan and encourage you to realise your baby dreams. Your fertility doctor should be supportive of your options and advise when you need to change treatment, change clinic or get other people involved.